The most unforgettable date with London escorts


London escorts have been around since the 1950’s in one way or the other. In the 50’s and 60’s the poor girls often got themselves into trouble by dating leading politicians. The Profumo affair was one of London’s most famous scandals, and it involved both London escorts and leading members of society. It was a bit of a wakeup call for many people in London. They did not realize to what extent London escorts were influencing the very fabric of London and the government as well. In the end, many London escorts went underground and the service never really re-emerged until the 1990’s.

There is a lot more to London than you think. On the surface this may seem like one of the more respectable cities in the world, but once you start looking slightly under the surface, you will find a different pulse. To many business travelers, London is not only famous for the City of London. Many fine gents who visit London say that the London companions, London escorts, is really what makes this city tick. I would agree and I have to admit that I never miss out on an opportunity to date London escorts for that special pleasure.

The only probably is that a lot of ladies are complaining. The truth is that many ladies would love to date male London escorts. There are a few independent male London escorts. But, this part of the London escorts service, has a long way to come. At the moment, there is one single dedicated male escort’s service. This is sorely needed as a lot of local single ladies, and business women visiting London, would like to enjoy the same pleasures as their male counterparts.

What is the future of London escorts? Well, if the UK exits the EU, we are much more likely to see more English born escorts. At the moment a lot of the leading escorts in London are from places like Poland and Hungary. But, what if the UK leaves the EU, will all of the girls go home? Perhaps this is an ideal business opportunity for a smart lady or gent. Step in and set up a London escorts service and fill it with English roses. As they say, when one door closes, another one opens. Perhaps visitors and locals alike would like to date some true English talent.

All of a sudden it was popular to date London escorts again, and somehow London escorts had managed to make themselves seem part of the parcel of London. It would be fair to say that they had become more or less respectable, and no one was really shocked that they were available for man’s pleasure. Today, there are more escorts services in London than any other city in the world. You can find cheap escorts, duo dating escorts, escorts for couples and many other services. There is never a need to be lonely in London, you will always be able to find a companion. London escorts probably bring a lot of business to the UK if you want to know more about this girls click here for London escorts.


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